Computer Science
5th grade
Safety and workplace organization
The subjects of Informatics
The concept of information
The types of information
Information processing methods
The measurement units of information
Computer and data processing
Types of computer
Characteristics of computers
Purposes and functions of the computer's main devices
Purpose and types of the software
The concept of the operating system
Files, folders, shortcuts: create and rename, reset, copy, move and delete
Techniques for working in the operating system
The main objects and methods of control of the operating system
Data Storage Devices
Data Storage Device Purpose: write and read
Image Editing Software
Simple Image Editor
Techniques for working in a graphics editor
Processing of graphical information: scaling and transformation of the image
Text Editors
Text Editor Interface
Techniques for working in text editor
Processing of text and graphic information: the creation of a joint document
Working with the calculator
Techniques for working in programs for processing audio information