Английский язык
Intermediate level. Grammar
001. Present simple tense
002. Present time state and event verbs
003. Present simple vs. present continuous
004. Present simple and continuous for the future
005. Future be going to, will, and present continuous
006. Past continuous vs. past simple
007. Past perfect formation and use
008. Present perfect continuous
009. Future continuous
010. Expressions used to, would
011. Conditional sentences type 1
012. Conditional sentences type 2
013. Conditional sentences type 3
014. Reported speech basic use
015. Reported speech tenses
016. Reported speech commands and requests
017. Reported speech questions
018. Wishes about the present
019. Wishes about the past
020. Active or Passive simple present and past
021. Passive present perfect; future simple
022. Passive present continuous; be going to
023. Passive sentences with and without an agent
024. Expressions have sth done; make sb do sth
025. Modal verbs for ability and permission
026. Modal verbs for possibility or uncertainty
027. Modal verbs for obligation
028. Modal verbs for impossibility or certainty
029. Modal verbs for advice and opinion
030. Defining relative clauses
031. Non-defining relative clauses
032. Combining sentences
033. Subject and object questions
034. Tag questions
035. Time expressions and prepositions
036. Dates
037. Indefinite article
038. Definite article
040. Adjectives and word order
039. Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing