Английский язык
Elementary level. Grammar
001. To be
002. Have and have got
003. There is/there are. Place prepositions
004. Present simple- statements
005. Present simple- questions and negatives
006. Past simple- was and were
007. Past simple- regular verbs
008. Past simple- irregular verbs
009. Present continuous- tense formation
010. Be going to
011. Future simple- will
012. Present perfect- statements
013. Present perfect- since and for vs. ago
014. Present perfect- questions
015. Present perfect- negatives
016. Present perfect- just, already, yet
017. Past simple vs. present perfect
018. Short forms
019. Wh- interrogatives
020. Modal verbs- can, could
021. Modal verbs- must, mustn’t, needn’t
022. Modal verbs- should, ought to
023. Have to
024. Would like
025. Personal pronouns
026. Possessive adjectives
027. Possessive pronouns
028. Reflexive pronouns
029. Demonstrative pronouns
030. Saxon genitive
031. Short questions and answers
032. Indefinite and definite article
033. Countable and uncountable nouns
034. Countable and uncountable nouns- some, any
035. Expressions of quantity- much, many, etc.
036. Expressions of quantity
037. There was/were; and prepostions
038. Comparative and superlative adjectives
039. Nothing, no one, not + anybody/anyone
040. Nothing, no one, not + anybody/anyone, etc.